The Dangers of an Interventionist Fed
A century of experience shows that rules lead to prosperity and discretion leads to trouble.
WSJ Opinion, John B. Taylor, March 28, 2012
America has now had nearly a century of decision-making experience under the
Federal Reserve Act, first passed in 1913. Thanks to careful empirical research
by Milton Friedman, Anna Schwartz and Allan Meltzer, we have plenty of evidence
that rules-based monetary policies work and unpredictable discretionary policies
don't. Now is the time to act on that evidence.
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The Fed's mistake of slowing money growth at the onset of the Great
Depression is well-known. And from the mid-1960s through the '70s, the Fed
intervened with discretionary go-stop changes in money growth that led to
frequent recessions, high unemployment, low economic growth, and high
In contrast, through much of the 1980s and '90s and into the past decade the
Fed ran a more predictable, rules-based policy with a clear price-stability
goal. This eventually led to lower unemployment, lower interest rates, longer
expansions, and stronger economic growth.
Unfortunately the Fed has returned to its discretionary, unpredictable ways,
and the results are not good. Starting in 2003-05, it held interest rates too
low for too long and thereby encouraged excessive risk-taking and the housing
boom. It then overshot the needed increase in interest rates, which worsened the
bust. Now, with inflation and the economy picking up, the Fed is again veering
into "too low for too long" territory. Policy indicators suggest the need for
higher interest rates, while the Fed signals a zero rate through 2014.
It is difficult to overstate the extraordinary nature of the recent
interventions, even if you ignore actions during the 2008 panic, including the
Bear Stearns and AIG bailouts, and consider only the subsequent two rounds of
"quantitative easing" (QE1 and QE2)—the large-scale purchases of mortgage-backed
securities and longer-term Treasurys.
The Fed's discretion is now virtually unlimited. To pay for mortgages and
other large-scale securities purchases, all it has to do is credit banks with
electronic deposits—called reserve balances or bank money. The result is the
explosion of bank money (as shown in the nearby chart), which now dwarfs the
Fed's emergency response to the 9/11 attacks.
Before the 2008 panic, reserve balances were about $10 billion. By the end of
2011 they were about $1,600 billion. If the Fed had stopped with the emergency
responses of the 2008 panic, instead of embarking on QE1 and QE2, reserve
balances would now be normal.
This large expansion of bank money creates risks. If it is not undone, then
the bank money will eventually pour out into the economy, causing inflation. If
it is undone too quickly, banks may find it hard to adjust and pull back on
The very existence of quantitative easing as a policy tool creates
unpredictability, as traders speculate whether and when the Fed will intervene
again. That the Fed can, if it chooses, intervene without limit in any credit
market—not only mortgage-backed securities but also securities backed by
automobile loans or student loans—creates more uncertainty and raises questions
about why an independent agency of government should have such power.
The combination of the prolonged zero interest rate and the bloated supply of
bank money is potentially lethal. The Fed has effectively replaced the entire
interbank money market and large segments of other markets with itself—i.e., the
Fed determines the interest rate by declaring what it will pay on bank deposits
at the Fed without regard for the supply and demand for money. By replacing
large decentralized markets with centralized control by a few government
officials, the Fed is distorting incentives and interfering with price discovery
with unintended consequences throughout the economy.
For all these reasons, the Federal Reserve should move to a less
interventionist and more rules-based policy of the kind that has worked in the
past. With due deliberation, it should make plans to raise the interest rate and
develop a credible strategy to reduce its outsized portfolio of Treasurys and
mortgage-backed securities.
History shows that reform of the Federal Reserve Act is also needed to
incentivize rules-based policy and prevent a return to excessive discretion. The
Sound Dollar Act of 2012, a subject of hearings at the Joint Economic Committee
this week, has a number of useful provisions. It removes the confusing dual
mandate of "maximum employment" and "stable prices," which was put into the
Federal Reserve Act during the interventionist wave of the 1970s. Instead it
gives the Federal Reserve a single goal of "long-run price stability."
The term "long-run" clarifies that the goal does not require the Fed to
overreact to the short-run ups and downs in inflation. The single goal wouldn't
stop the Fed from providing liquidity when money markets freeze up, or serving
as lender of last resort to banks during a panic, or reducing the interest rate
in a recession.
Some worry that a focus on the goal of price stability would lead to more
unemployment. History shows the opposite.
One reason the Fed kept its interest rate too low for too long in 2003-05 was
concern that raising the interest rate would increase unemployment in the short
run. However, an unintended effect was the great recession and very high
unemployment. A single mandate would help the Fed avoid such mistakes. Since
2008, the Fed has explicitly cited the dual mandate to justify its extraordinary
interventions, including quantitative easing. Removing the dual mandate will
remove that excuse.
A single goal of long-run price stability should be supplemented with a
requirement that the Fed establish and report its strategy for setting the
interest rate or the money supply to achieve that goal. If the Fed deviates from
its strategy, it should provide a written explanation and testify in Congress.
To further limit discretion, restraints on the composition of the Federal
Reserve's portfolio are also appropriate, as called for in the Sound Dollar Act.
Giving all Federal Reserve district bank presidents—not only the New York Fed
president—voting rights at every Federal Open Market Committee meeting, as does
the Sound Dollar Act, would ensure that the entire Federal Reserve system is
involved in designing and implementing the strategy. It would offset any
tendency for decisions to favor certain sectors or groups in the economy.
Such reforms would lead to a more predictable policy centered on maintaining
the purchasing power of the dollar. They would provide an appropriate degree of
oversight by the political authorities without interfering in the Fed's
day-to-day operations.
Mr. Taylor is a professor of economics at Stanford and a senior fellow at
the Hoover Institution. This op-ed is adapted from his testimony this week
before the Joint Economic Committee, which drew on his book "First Principles:
Five Keys to Restoring America's Prosperity." (W.W. Norton, 2012).
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